Sponsorship Info
It’s hard to find a more loyal group of customers than our running community. We rely on each other for the best recommendations. And since WEBEs lead the way, the rest of the race is looking at your logos on the back of their shirts for miles and miles.
For sponsorship and event collaboration details please email [email protected]
Event Sponsorship – $50
* Your Race or Event on Meetup.com for up to 3 months this automatically feeds to the website. (One week only $25)

Gold Sponsorship – $1000
All Bronze/Silver Sponsorship benefits as listed below and..
*LARGEST logo on website and group race shirt placed at the top
*Logo on Meetup.com placed higher
*One named weekly Meetup.com for 1 year. Such as: “Publix Long Run”
*An additional complimentary group race shirt

Silver Sponsorship – $500
All Bronze Sponsorship benefits as listed below and…
*Larger logo on website and group race shirt placed higher.
* We will chat about and post links to your pages more frequently.
*Logo will appear on Meetup.com and many outgoing emails.
*Social Media – we will share your important events.

Bronze Sponsorship (general) – $300
* Logo on front page of WEBE Running website- with link to your page.
*Logo printed on WEBE Running group race shirt.
*Business information and promotions on social media platforms
*Your business liked on Facebook pages and on Instagram and Twitter.
* You will be allowed to be a member of the private Facebook group page
which gives sponsor access to daily run chat – can post 1 x a month
*One complimentary group race shirt with business logo on it.
Sponsorships run from October 1st – September 30st to insure we have new season shirts for the peak running and racing season. We will prorate if you are a new sponsor coming after season has started.
For further collaboration – Email – [email protected] or send a message on the WEBE Running public Facebook page.